Abstract Factory

Abstract Factory

Abstract Factory Pattern에 대해 설명하는 페이지입니다.


  • Programming Language: Java



  • Purpose
    • Provide an interface that delegates creation calls to one or more concrete classes in order to deliver specific objects.
  • Use When
    • The creation of objects should be independent of the system utilizing them.
    • Systems should be capable of using multiple families of objects.
    • Families of objects must be used together.
    • Libraries must be published without exposing implementation details.
    • Concrete classes should be decoupled from clients.
  • Characteristics
    • Delegates object creation to a factory object.
    • Uses composition and delegation.


  • AbstractFactory
    • Declares an interface for operations that create abstract product objects.
  • ConcreteFactory
    • Implements the operations to create product objects.
  • AbstractProduct
    • Declares an interface for a type of product object.
  • ConcreteProduct
    • Defines a product object to be created by the corresponding concrete factory.
    • Implements the AbstractProduct interface.
  • Client
    • Uses only interfaces declared by AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct classes.

How to Use (Example)

  • Abstract Factory
    public interface IngredientFactory {
        public IngredientA createIngredientA();
        public IngredientB createIngredientB();
        public IngredientC createIngredientC();
  • Concrete Factory
    public class MyIngredientFactory implements IngredientFactory {
        public IngredientA createIngredientA() {
            return new MyIngredientA();
        public IngredientB createIngredientB() {
            return new MyIngredientB();
        public IngredientC createIngredientC() {
            return new MyIngredientC();
  • Abstract Product
    public abstract class Product {
        IngredientA ingredientA;
        IngredientB ingredientB;
        IngredientC ingredientC;
        public abstract void prepare();
  • Concrete Product
    public class MyProduct extends Product {
        MyIngredientFactory myIngredientFactory;
        public MyProduct(MyIngredientFactory myIngredientFactory) {
            this.myIngredientFactory = myIngredientFactory;
        public void prepare() {
            ingredientA = myIngredientFactory.createIngredientA();
            ingredientB = myIngredientFactory.createIngredientB();
            ingredientC = myIngredientFactory.createIngredientC();
