Strategy Pattern

Strategy Pattern

Strategy Pattern에 대해 설명하는 페이지입니다.


  • Programming Language: Java



  • Purpose
    • Defines a set of encapsulated algorithms that can be swapped to carry out a specific behavior.
  • Use When
    • The only difference between many related classes is their behavior.
    • Multiple versions or variations of an algorithm are required.
    • The behavior of a class should be defined at runtime.
    • Conditional statements are complex and hard to maintain.

How to Use (Example)

public interface FlyBehavior {
    public void fly();

public class FlyWithWings implements FlyBehavior {
    public void fly() {
        System.out.println("I'm flying.");

public class FlyNoWay implements FlyBehavior {
    public void fly() {
        System.out.println("I can't fly.");
public abstract class Bird {
    FlyBehavior flyBehavior;

    public Bird() {}

    public void performFly() {;

public class MyBird extends Bird {
    public MyBird() {
        flyBehavior = new FlyNoWay();

    public void setFlyBehavior(FlyBehavior flyBehavior) {
        this.flyBehavior = flyBehavior();
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Bird myBird = new MyBird();
        myBird.performFly();  // "I can't fly."

        myBird.setFlyBehavior(new FlyWithWings());
        myBird.performFly();  // "I'm flying."
