State Pattern

State Pattern

State Pattern에 대해 설명하는 페이지입니다.


  • Programming Language: Java



  • Purpose
    • Ties object circumstances to its behavior, allowing the object to behave in different ways based upon its internal state.
  • Use When
    • The behavior of an object should be influenced by its state.
    • Complex conditions tie object behavior to its state.
    • Transitions between states need to be explicit.


  • Encapsulate what varies
    • Put each state’s behavior in its own class, then every state just implements its own actions
    • The client object can delegate to the state object that represents the current state
  • Favor composition over inheritance
  • Get rid of all of our conditional code and instead delegate to the state object to do the work for us.
  • Localized the behavior of each state into its own class
  • Removed all the troublesome conditional statements that would have been difficult to maintain
  • Closed each state for modification, and yet left the client open to extension by adding new state classe
  • The State Pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.
  • An object’s behavior depends on its state, and it must change its behavior at run-time depending on that state.
  • Pros and Cons
    • Pros
      • Puts all behavior associated with a state into one object
      • Allows state transition logic to be incorporated into a state object rather than in a monolithic if or switch statement
      • Helps avoid inconsistent states since state changes occur using just the one state object and not several objects or attributes
    • Cons
      • Increased number of objects

How to Use (Example)

  • State
    public interface State {
        public void work();
  • Concrete State
    public class WorkingState implements State {
        public Person person;
        public WorkingState(Person person) {
            this.person = person;
        public void work() {
            System.out.println("I'm working!");
    public class RestingState implements State {
        public Person person;
        public RestingState(Person person) {
            this.person = person;
        public void work() {
            System.out.println("I'm resting!");
  • Client
    public class Person {
        private State workingState;
        private State restingState;
        private State state = workingState;
        public Person() {
            workingState = new WorkingState(this);
            restingState = new RestingState(this);
        public void setState(State state) {
            this.state = state;
        public State getWorkingState() {
            return workingState;
        public State getRestingState() {
            return restingState;
        public void work() {
