Builder Pattern
Builder Pattern에 대해 설명하는 페이지입니다.
- Programming Language: Java
- Purpose
- Allows for the dynamic creation of objects based upon easily interchangeable algorithms.
- Use When
- Runtime control over the creation process is required.
- Multiple representations of creation algorithms are required.
- Object creation algorithms should be decoupled from the system.
- The addition of new creation functionality without changing the core code is necessary.
- Director knows what parts are needed for the final product
- Concrete builder knows how to produce the part and add it to the final product.
- A Builder is a Strategy that is specialized to create a composite object or data structure
- Builder constructs the object step-by-step and the result is requested at a later stage
- Client
- selects director and concrete builder to build the product
- asks concrete builder to return final constructed product
- Director
- knows what steps it takes to build a product
- but it does not know how each step is to be carried out
- Builder
- specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object
- Concrete Builder
- constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface
- defines and keeps track of the representation it creates
- provides an interface for retrieving the product
- Product
- represents the complex object under construction
How to Use (Example)
- Director
public class AerospaceEngineer { private AirplaneBuilder airplaneBuilder; public void setAirplaneBuilder(AirplaneBuilder ab) { airplaneBuilder = ab; } public Airplane getAirplane() { return airplaneBuilder.getAirplane(); } public void constructAirplane() { airplaneBuilder.createNewAirplane(); airplaneBuilder.buildWings(); airplaneBuilder.buildPowerplant(); airplaneBuilder.buildAvionics(); airplaneBuilder.buildSeats(); } }
- Abstract Builder
public abstract class AirplaneBuilder { protected Airplane airplane; protected String customer; protected String type; public Airplane getAirplane() { return airplane; } public void createNewAirplane() { airplane = new Airplane(customer, type); } public abstract void buildWings(); public abstract void buildPowerplant(); public abstract void buildAvionics(); public abstract void buildSeats(); }
- Product
public class Airplain { private String type; private float wingspan; private String powerplant; private int crewSeats; private int passengerSeats; private String avionics; private String customer; public Airplain(String customer, String type) { this.customer = customer; this.type = type; } public void setWingspan(float w) { this.wingspan = w; } public void setPowerplant(String p) { this.powerplant = p; } public void setAvionics(String a) { this.avionics = a; } public void setNumberSeats(int crewSeats, int passengerSeats) { this.crewSeats = crewSeats; this.passengerSeats = passengerSeats; } public String getCustomer() { return customer; } public String getType() { return type; } }
- Concrete Builder
public class CropDuster extends AirplaneBuilder { public CropDuster (String customer) { super.customer = customer; super.type = "Crop Duster v3.4"; } public void buildWings() { airplane.setWingspan(9f); } public void buildPowerplant() { airplane.setPowerplant("single piston"); } public void buildAvionics() {} public void buildSeats() { airplane.setNumberSeats(1,1); } }
- Client
public class BuilderExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // instantiate the director (hire the engineer) AerospaceEngineeraero = new AerospaceEngineer(); // instantiate each concrete builder (take orders) AirplaneBuildercrop = new CropDuster("Farmer Joe"); AirplaneBuilderfighter = new FighterJet("The Navy"); AirplaneBuilderglider = new Glider("Tim Rice"); // build a CropDuster aero.setAirplaneBuilder(crop); aero.constructAirplane(); Airplane completedCropDuster= aero.getAirplane(); System.out.println(completedCropDuster.getType() + " is completed and ready for delivery to " + completedCropDuster.getCustomer()); }