Visitor Pattern

Visitor Pattern

Visitor Pattern에 대해 설명하는 페이지입니다.


  • Programming Language: Java



  • Purpose
    • Allowing one or more operations to be applied to a set of objects at runtime
    • Decoupling the operations from the object structure (= the set of objects)

      It’s important that the visitor pattern is used when the above two purposes are needed.

  • Use When
    • An object structure must have many unrelated operations performed upon it
    • The object structure can’t change but operations on it can
    • Operations must be performed on the concrete classes of an object structure
    • Operations should be able to operate on multiple object structures that implement the same interface sets


  • Pros
    • Makes adding new operations easy
      • You can define a new operation simply by adding a new visitor
      • In contrast, if you spread functionality over many classes, then you must change each class to define a new operation
    • Gathers related opertations and separates unrelated operations
      • Related behavior is not spread over the classes defining the object structure; it’s localized in a visitor
      • Unrelated sets of behavior are partitioned in their own visitor classes
  • Cons
    • Adding new ConcreteElement classes is hard
      • The Visitor pattern makes it hard to add new subclasses of Element
      • Each new ConcreteElement gives rise to a new abstract operation on Visitor and a corresponding implementation in every ConcreteVisitor class
    • Breaking encapsulation
      • Visitor’s approach assumes that the ConcreteElement interface is powerful enough to let visitors do their job
      • The pattern often forces you to provide public operations that access an element’s internal state, which may compromise its encapsulation
  • Visitors can visit objects that don’t have a common parent class.


  • Visitor
    • declares a visit operation for each class of ConcreteElement in the object structure
  • ConcreteVisitor
    • implements each operation declared by Visitor
  • Element
    • defines an Accept operation that takes a visitor as an argument
  • ConcreteElement
    • implements an Accept operation that takes a visitor as an argument
  • ObjectStructure
    • can enumerate its elements
    • may provide a high-level interface to allow the visitor to visit its elements
    • may be a composite or a collection like a set or list

How to Use (Example)

  • Visitor
    public interface ICarElementVisitor {
        public void visit(Wheel wheel);
        public void visit(Engine engine);
        public void visit(Body body);
        public void visit(Car car);
  • ConcreteVisitor
    public class CarElementPrintVisitor implements ICarElementVisitor {
        public void visit(Wheel wheel) {
            System.out.println("Visiting " + wheel.getName() + " wheel");
        public void visit(Engine wheel) {
            System.out.println("Visiting engine");
        public void visit(Body body) {
            System.out.println("Visiting body");
        public void visit(Car car) {
            System.out.println("Visiting car");
    public class CarElementDoVisitor implements ICarElementVisitor {
        public void visit(Wheel wheel) {
            System.out.println("Kicking my " + wheel.getName() + " wheel");
        public void visit(Engine wheel) {
            System.out.println("Starting my engine");
        public void visit(Body body) {
            System.out.println("Moving my body");
        public void visit(Car car) {
            System.out.println("Starting my car");
  • Element
    public interface ICarElement {
        public void accept(ICarElementVisitor visitor);
  • ConcreteElement
    public class Wheel implements ICarElement {
        private String name;
        public Wheel(String name) {
   = name;
        public String getName() {
        public void accept(ICarElementVisitor visitor) {
    public class Engine implements ICarElement {
        public void accept(ICarElementVisitor visitor) {
    public class Body implements ICarElement {
        public void accept(ICarElementVisitor visitor) {
    public class Car implements ICarElement {
        private ICarElement[] elements;
        public Car() {
            this.elements = new ICarElement[] { 
                new Wheel("front left"), new Wheel("front right"),  
                new Wheel("back left") , new Wheel("back right"), 
                new Body(), new Engine() }; 
        public void accept(ICarElementVisitor visitor) {    
            for(ICarElement elem : elements) 
